Sunday, October 5, 2008

God's sense of humor :)

God most definitely has a sense of humor and likes to use it to cheer us up when we need it...I woke up late this morning after not sleeping well, so of course, I was late for church. Well, I walked in the bathroom and ran into a little girl. I startled her as she was sword fighting with an imaginary playmate using a sticklike thing out of the flower arrangement. I smiled reassuringly at her as she hurried to put it back and whispered,
"I won't tell." And continued on to use the restroom wondering if she was waiting for her mother to finish.
When I came out of the stall , there she was and she followed me to the sink smiling. I said,
"Hi," still wondering about her mother.
She said, "Mornin'. You sing in the choir. I've seen you."
"Yes, I do." I said as I started washing my hands.
I asked her how old she was and I guessed she was six. I was right. As I continued washing she began telling me very excitedly that when her mom was six years old her "muncle" would fart and put mommy under the covers and hold them down! We laughed & giggled together. It was a great girl moment. :) Laughter really is the best medicine.
She was quite a delightful little girl. I had taken off my rings to wash my hands and she said,
"Boy, you gotta lot a rings!"
I asked her if she would like one. Her eyes got very shy. I took off my glass black butterfly ring and gave it to her. I told her to keep it. One day she would grow into it. She seemed very pleased as she put it in her pocket.
I had my camera in my purse and asked if I could take her picture. I said to pose. She looked at me confused. I asked her if she knew what that meant and she said no. I showed her by posing myself. :) She looked at my with a apprehensive look and said,
"No, I'd better not do that. My mom says I should be "model." (I'm pretty sure she meant modest!)
We said goodbye and I went into the service. She stayed in the bathroom. I never saw her mother. Could she have been a little angel sent by the Lord to ease my anxiety? Who knows. I do know she made me laugh when I needed it and uplifted my spirit. I do believe God has the perfect sense of humor...the little girl's name was Joy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The things they say...Part II

Most of these funnies are from my class last year...

*Sofia always wore her chicken "tote" (coat) to school...Why? Not really sure. There she is to the right shaken' a tail feather!

* Another Sofia classic is when she was telling us she didn't like the "tweepy" (creepy) guy on American Idol. She was talking about Sanjiah! Did I misspell his name? Oh well.

*Whenever we wake the kids up from nap, we would say, "Wakey, wakey eggs & bakey!" Well, Dawson had his own version..."Wakey, wakey shake your booty!"

*Wiggins would always say "lasterday" (yesterday) when he would tell us a story. It made me smile every time. :)

*Outside on the playground there is a climbing structure. When Patrick would tattle on someone he would say, "Christopher has a toy on the "constructure."

*Erica always wanted to play in the "house-ta-keeping" (housekeeping) center.

*This happened in another classroom, but it is so funny I have to share it. A child spilt milk on her dress and was upset about it. The teacher told her there was no reason to cry over spilt milk. Emma, who was also sitting at the table, said, "Or wine."

*During the Fourth of July holiday, Veronica told us her daddy bought "sprinklers" (sparklers).

*A good friend of mine is trying to sell her house. It is said that if you bury a St. Joseph statue in your front yard it will bring good fortune. So, the whole family went outside to complete the task.

*Once done, the 5yr old was asked to say a prayer. Her prayer was short & to the point and she finished it with "Godmen." (S, I hope you don't mind me sharing this story. It is priceless!)
I will continue to amuse you with more anecdotes , I'm sure!

Friday, August 22, 2008

The things they say...

~ Art by Jeffrey~

"A (Manta) Ray in the water." ( to the left)

"A mommy Humpback whale and her baby." (to the right)

My Three Year old class makes me smile & even laugh out loud with some of the things they say and do. I thought I would share some with you...

~ I asked Taylor Rae,

"Where are your shoes?"

She said, laughing and grabbing her belly,

"I ate them!"

~ On every cloudy day, Savannah asks me,"If it "funders" (thunders) we come inside, right?"

~ As Ava Paige put on her shoes, she said, "they "bit" (fit) me."

~ Jeffrey burped and said, "Is there a frog in here?"

~ Coloring at the table, Jacqueline broke a crayon. She told me, "I can "fick" (fix) it."

~ It was time to clean up and Sarah was pretending to be a kitty. She said to me, " Kitty's can't clean up because they don't have hands they have claws."

~ One of my boys was in the potty and shouted to me,

"I made a mess!"

I looked in the bathroom and asked him what happened.

He said, "I didn't push down my penis (he sits to pee) and it sprayed on my leg and the seat."

~ We were having a lesson on exercise and during Circle Time Shane asked if we could do "Yoda" (Yoga) again.

~ During Circle Time we were teaching the children about life cycles and Veronica grabbed her head and said, "Mrs. Stephanie, I got to much thinking in my head!"

Monday, May 26, 2008

I wish you well...

I wish you well. I pray that you will find peace, love and acceptance. My hope for you is to be blessed and be a blessing to others. Find the path God has for you...your purpose, your destiny. Learn to be content where you are and have faith in God's promises. Be honest with yourself and others. Live a life of integrity. Look beyond what someone can do for you and truly strive to be a servant. Cultivate a servant's heart. Be a woman of modesty and virtue. Model Christ and never forget that others are watching your behavior. Be gentle and kind. Tame your tongue and remember your words bring life or death. Chose them carefully. Laugh everyday. Cry when you need to without shame. Read your bible and go to church. Tithe even when it seems too hard. Talk to God about everything. Treasure your relationships. Don't burn bridges. Give more than you take. Sow good seeds so you reap better ones. Don't see yourself better than anyone else. Keep your pride in check. Face your problems head on and ask for help. Believe in yourself because you're fearfully and wonderfully made, you were chosen, and you're the daughter of the King. You're precious in His sight and mine. My friend. My sister. I wish you well....and I will miss you very much.