Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Butterfly Effect

It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. ~ Chaos Theory

Change one thing. Change everything.

A look.
A word.
A decision.
A choice.
An action can change you or some one's world in an instant; never be the same again. For good or bad...
We all effect each other's lives. Today and forever. We are all connected.

Hasn't some one's words or actions changed, forever, your life in a profound way? Change the way you see yourself? Opened your mind and heart to a thought or reality you have never had before?
These events can be a double-edged sword...
Courage, strength and encouragemnet can be given...or
a loss of some kind of innocence never to be restored.

What we put out can never be taken back.

So, this makes me look at myself.
What am I putting out?