I wish you well. I pray that you will find peace, love and acceptance. My hope for you is to be blessed and be a blessing to others. Find the path God has for you...your purpose, your destiny. Learn to be content where you are and have faith in God's promises. Be honest with yourself and others. Live a life of integrity. Look beyond what someone can do for you and truly strive to be a servant. Cultivate a servant's heart. Be a woman of modesty and virtue. Model Christ and never forget that others are watching your behavior. Be gentle and kind. Tame your tongue and remember your words bring life or death. Chose them carefully. Laugh everyday. Cry when you need to without shame. Read your bible and go to church. Tithe even when it seems too hard. Talk to God about everything. Treasure your relationships. Don't burn bridges. Give more than you take. Sow good seeds so you reap better ones. Don't see yourself better than anyone else. Keep your pride in check. Face your problems head on and ask for help. Believe in yourself because you're fearfully and wonderfully made, you were chosen, and you're the daughter of the King. You're precious in His sight and mine. My friend. My sister. I wish you well....and I will miss you very much.