*Sofia always wore her chicken "tote" (coat) to school...Why? Not really sure. There she is to the right shaken' a tail feather!
* Another Sofia classic is when she was telling us she didn't like the "tweepy" (creepy) guy on American Idol. She was talking about Sanjiah! Did I misspell his name? Oh well.
*Whenever we wake the kids up from nap, we would say, "Wakey, wakey eggs & bakey!" Well, Dawson had his own version..."Wakey, wakey shake your booty!"
*Wiggins would always say "lasterday" (yesterday) when he would tell us a story. It made me smile every time. :)
*Outside on the playground there is a climbing structure. When Patrick would tattle on someone he would say, "Christopher has a toy on the "constructure."
*Erica always wanted to play in the "house-ta-keeping" (housekeeping) center.
*This happened in another classroom, but it is so funny I have to share it. A child spilt milk on her dress and was upset about it. The teacher told her there was no reason to cry over spilt milk. Emma, who was also sitting at the table, said, "Or wine."
*During the Fourth of July holiday, Veronica told us her daddy bought "sprinklers" (sparklers).
*A good friend of mine is trying to sell her house. It is said that if you bury a St. Joseph statue in your front yard it will bring good fortune. So, the whole family went outside to complete the task.
*Once done, the 5yr old was asked to say a prayer. Her prayer was short & to the point and she finished it with "Godmen." (S, I hope you don't mind me sharing this story. It is priceless!)
I will continue to amuse you with more anecdotes , I'm sure!