Almost 14yrs ago, I gave my life to Christ. For a very long time I was on fire the Lord. I read the bible all the time, attended church every Sunday, prayed about everything, talked about God constantly, had all the bumper stickers & T-shirts, witnessed to anyone who would listen, and was hungry for more of God in my life.
I am no longer that person. I am questioning God and His Word. I am doubting my faith. I can't remember the last time I read the bible, I don't go to church anymore, I'm not sure if I believe in prayer, and I deffinitely don't witness to anyone.
How did I get to this place? To be honest, I'm not exactly sure. Disappointment seems to be the common thread in all my wonderings.
I feel trapped.
I sense a hardness growing in my heart.
I have noticed a bit of indifferece within myself.
I recognize flashes of anger lingering beneath the surface.
I feel lost.
So many thoughts and feelings...I keep them to myself because they seem, if spoken, would surely damn me to hell.