Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Memorable Moments

* Climbing up the wall shelves to play in the rafters of my garage...

* Learning to skate backwards on my grandma's driveway, in my brand new red wheeled roller skates, on Christmas eve...

* Playing Hide-n-Seek in the dark for hours around my neighborhood...

* Touching a dolphin at Sea World...

* Running up the driveway, after getting off the school bus, not to miss Luke & Laura getting married on General Hospital...

* Feeling so proud when I scored my first 9.00 on vault in a gymnastics meet...

* The awe of walking into Yankee's Stadium for the first time...

* Never tiring of playing dodge ball on the patio at my grandma's house...

* The pride I felt the first time I washed my own hair...

* Asking a Sunday School teacher who God's father was and feeling sad for him that he didn't have one...

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