Monday, April 16, 2012

Passion & Purpose

I watched Oprah's Lifeclass yesterday. Bishop T.D. Jakes was her guest. Wow. He is an amazing man of God. I saw him preach once and I stood up the whole time...he stirred my spirit so deeply. Well, once again God used him to stir me up.

The subject of discussion was "Living Life on Purpose." The concentration was on finding your purpose through your passion. So, my heart was stirred as I asked myself,

"What was my passion?"

Synonyms of passion are fervor and zeal. Your passion gives you fulfillment and gratification. You know in your "knower" that THIS is exactly what I'm suppose to be doing. You know you're on point.When you step into that thing you light up and your passion is evident, maybe not to you right away, to those around you that this is your "thing." Even if you're not wonderful at it in the beginning, you know its right where you're meant to be...and what I found the most important thing about your must be authentically drawn to your passion. It might  not be what you've been told you're suppose to do by family and friends. you have to listen to your inner voice and trust it. Our purpose is found in our true passion.

I think the most profound words Bishop Jakes spoke, that penetrated my heart, were that our talent may not be our passion. It can be, but it also can be a way to lead us to our purpose. Sometimes we, and others, mistake our talents for our passion. We need to examine our talents and see if it is where our passion lies.

I'm examining my own heart to discover where my true passion lies. I want to step into my purpose in this life.

I would love to hear some input from you, my readers, as to what you think is my passion...

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