Monday, February 14, 2011

Funny Bone

My elbows are giving me pain again...I've been diagnosed with tendinitis in both elbows a couple of years ago. I even had cortisone shots to help with the pain. That was no fun. It did help, though. I've been pain free for a while, but now that I'm teaching gymnastics again the pain is returning. Its not as severe as it has been in the past, but I'm wondering if it will continue to progress because of my job.

They ache alot during the day and hurt at night while I'm sleeping. If I keep them bent for a long time while I'm asleep, I wake up with horrible pain. Straightening them back out hurts so much! I've started taking aleve before bed. I'm not sure if it helps.

I have arm straps that I used to wear to give support and alleviate pain. I think I should start wearing them again when I'm doing anything that requires lifting. I'm also contemplating going back to the orthopedist and getting more cortisone shots. At least I have health coverage now and have the option of getting treatment!

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